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About Kyung Hee


The Matriculation Ceremony of 2024

2024-03-06 Academic

The entrance ceremony for the 2024 academic year was held at the Grand Peace Hall on Thursday, February 29th

In all, 5,809 first-year students were admitted through the ceremony. They marched from the University Motto Tower to the Grand Peace Hall, receiving a round of applause and congratulations from the members of Kyung Hee community. The matriculation ceremony was also broadcast live online in the following order: △ Overview of the University (our responsibility for civilizational transition, Kyung Hee’s founding narrative, and the future vision) △ Declaration of Admission △ Welcoming speech △ Declaration of Student Honor △ Congratulatory performance.

President Jinsang Kim, “We must prepare to take flight into a new world of creation
“Kyung Hee University, which has realized global dignity by building a tradition of Academe and Peace over the past 75 years along with the creation of a cultural world based on its founding ideology, hereby admits Student Boyoung Kang of the Department of Korean Language and Literature at the College of Liberal Arts and the other 5,808 students into the class of 2024. I hope that you will learn to your heart’s content, dream to your heart’s content, and grow to your heart’s content while fulfilling your roles and responsibilities as individuals, students, and citizens together with Kyung Hee, which is opening up the future of the university and the future of humanity.” As President Jinsang Kim finished the declaration of admission, the class of 2024 who filled the Grand Peace Hall responded with loud applauds.

After the declaration of admission, President Kim welcomed the admitted students with a speech titled, “Another boundary: self-realization as a global citizen.” He called the matriculation ceremony as a momentous occasion to look back on the past experience in high school and look ahead to new college life, and said, “We must prepare to take flight into a new ‘world of creation.’”

Promise to ‘create an academic community worthy of a true university of future’ through a declaration of student honor
President Kim expressed a number of wishes in his speech for new students. The first was that the first-year students would grow into young leaders who can solve global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, population explosion, and inequality. Second, their college experience to be a steppingstone to move toward a better future. In order to realize this hope, he established an innovative educational model based on the liberal arts education of Humanitas College, laying the foundation for becoming a 'global university beyond Asia' and expressed his ambition to make Kyung Hee a nexus of cultural creation. He said, “You must not stay within the boundaries, but go beyond them.” President Kim concluded his welcome speech by saying, “I hope that through academic self-realization at the University, you will go beyond personal growth and become a global citizen.”

The declaration of student honor was made by student representatives. Student council students and first-year students from both campuses declared that they would inherit the proud tradition of Academe and Peace, pursue trust in education, communication, and harmony, and strive to create a healthy university culture. The entrance ceremony concluded with a congratulatory performance by the members of the College of Music.

Many parents gathered in front of the large screen at the Grand Peace Hall where the matriculation ceremony was broadcast live. They congratulated their children as they entered the Grand Peace Hall. During the ceremony, a separate event for parents was held at the Crown Hall. A variety of special lectures have been prepared, including school information, key contents for future career paths, and becoming a great parent for your child's happy college life.

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