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경희대학교 경희대학교

Campus Life

IT Services

Kyung Hee University Information System

The Kyung Hee University Information System (KHUIS) supports faculty in organizing their personal information, research records, class grading, class roster, and other items relevant to their work. Students can also use the system to manage their personal information as well as apply for a leave of absence, register for courses, check course syllabi, apply for scholarships, pay tuition and check their financial records, or to check their grades. Most services required by students are available online via this system, which also has an English version for international students and faculty.


Call Center

Various IT and web-related questions can be answered via the Information Service Call Center at +82-2-961-0304, 0521 on the Seoul Campus, or +82-31-201-3171~3 on the Global Campus.

Email System

Students, faculty, and staff can create university email accounts in the following format: (name)@khu.ac.kr. The webmail service is a useful email tool that can be accessed both domestically and abroad. Students can retain their email addresses even after graduation for both convenience and to increase participation in campus affairs as alumni. The webmail service is also offered in English for international students and faculty.


Personal Homepage Account

A personal homepage can be created using the Kyung Hee University Homepage server. The accounts are separated into two types: departmental and professor use, and student use. The departmental and professor account databases are supported by Oracle or MySQL.

Virus Vaccines Software

Anti-virus software can be downloaded from the Kyung Hee University homepage. This program is provided free of charge to protect the computers and network on campus.

Licensed Software Downloads on Campus

Students, faculty, and staff can download and use "campus licensed" software free of charge. These programs can be downloaded from the Office of Information homepage

Office of Information Services & Strategy

Email and Text Message Service

Faculty can send group emails and/or text messages to students enrolled in their classes.

IP address and Domain Name Applications

Computers can be connected to the Internet via the campus network through an IP address and domain name, which are provided in Korean at http://glipm.khu.ac.kr/main.php

Certificate Issuance Online

Certificates and documents--such as certificates of enrollment, graduation, expected graduation, leave of absences, and completion, as well as transcripts--can be issued online at computers located throughout campus or from off-campus at http://kyunghee.certpia.com

Kyung Hee SMS Service

Kyung Hee University sends important announcements and information to students via its SMS text messaging service.

Survey Support

Those wishing to conduct surveys can use the Mass Email and Survey System to effectively and efficiently choose participants and receive results online. Detailed analyses are also available.
For more information, please visit http://ois.khu.ac.kr