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경희대학교 경희대학교


Funding & Research Activities


To develop Kyung Hee University as a research-centered institution by facilitating excellence in research by supporting and funding faculty


To strengthen faculty research capacity, funding will be allocated according to the quality of research. Outstanding researchers will be awarded, and the funding system will be expanded to increase research outcomes and quality.

Funding Schedule

Funding and R&D Financing Schedule
Type Name/Activity Date Funding Notes
Office of Research and University-Industry Cooperation New Faculty Research Spring Semester: 2012.3.5-2012.3.16
Fall Semester: 2012.8
≤20,000,000 KRW Educational and research expenditures
Research Equipment 2012.3.5-2012.3.16 Differentiated by type
Research Personnel 2012.3.5-2012.3.16 ≤30,000,000 KRW
Interdisciplinary Convergence Research Spring Semester: 2012.3.5-2012.3.16
Fall Semester: 2012.8
Differentiated by type
Specialized Research Spring Semester: 2012.3.5-2012.3.16
Fall Semester: 2012.8
Differentiated by type
Basic Research 2012.3.5-2012.3.16 ≤10,000,000 KRW
Policy Research Ongoing Differentiated by type
Publication in Domestic Journals Ongoing ≤2,500,000 KRW per publication Research activities
Publication in International Journals Ongoing Differentiated by type of journal
Promoting Writing Activities Ongoing ≤4,000,000 KRW per paper
Participation in Domestic Academic Conferences Ongoing ≤200,000 KRW per region
Participation in International Academic Conferences Ongoing ≤2,000,000 KRW per country
Hosting Academic Conferences One month prior to the conference ≤5,000,000 KRW according to size of event
Participation in Overseas Training and Research Ongoing ≤5,500,000 KRW according to length and location of program
Editing International Academic Journals Within 6 months of appointment ≤2,000,000 KRW according to position
Affiliated Research Institutes TBD Differentiated by evaluation
Industrial and Academic Cooperation Foundation Patent Expenses Ongoing Differentiated by patent Indirect costs
Application Expenses for New Large-scale Projects Ongoing Differentiated by research funding
Peer Reviewers TBD Differentiated by outcome

Duration 2012.3.1-2013.2.28


Please refer to the program's guidelines and contents to avoid being penalized and to allow for the smooth implementation of the funding and research process.
[If not included in the program guidebook, please refer to the Research Funding Manual and related guidelines.