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경희대학교 경희대학교


Research Portal

Under the founding philosophy of “Creating a Civilized World,” Kyung Hee is walking the path of a true university of the future, upholding the tradition of Academe and Peace. The University is ever building a system of useful and practical knowledge that rises to the challenges posed by current global crises while maintaining a world-class research excellence in relevant fields of research.

Kyung Hee has also established a university culture that respects academic diversity, based on the firm belief that achieving academic diversity and research excellence is the fundamental value of universities. As such, the University has a strong yet balanced presence in all prominent fields of academic research including humanities, social science, natural science, engineering, fine arts and sports, and medicine, which has garnered global recognition.

In response to the great civilizational transition, the five Connective Cooperation Clusters (Biohealth, Future Science, Civilization, Arts and Culture, and Social Physical Education) have been established to ensure that an academic environment needed by the future society will continue to flourish. The current state of Kyung Hee's research capabilities regarding professors, departments, and colleges can be readily accessed through the research portal system.